Mindful Consumption Resources

I’ve compiled easy resources to keep momentum by continuing education. The more knowledge we have, the easier it is to make choices that create a brighter future for our kids!


No Logo

By Naomi Klein. An in-depth analysis of branding and its impact on culture, labor, and consumer choices.

The Story of Stuff

By Annie Leonard. Explores the lifecycle of material goods and advocates for sustainable consumption. This is a great youtube channel to breakdown the process and understand it visually as well!

Made to Stick

By Chip Heath and Dan Heath. Examines why certain ideas thrive and how marketers make messages memorable.

The Paradox of Choice

By Barry Schwartz. Discusses how the abundance of consumer choices leads to anxiety and dissatisfaction. The author also has a great Ted Talk on the topic worth checking out.

Cradle to Cradle

By William McDonough and Michael Braungart. Proposes a sustainable approach to design that considers the full lifecycle of products.


The Minimalists Podcast

Hosts Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus discuss living a meaningful life with less and challenge consumerist culture.

The Circular Economy Podcast

Explores sustainable business models and innovations that reduce waste and promote circular economies.

HBR IdeaCast

Features discussions on business and management, including episodes on ethical marketing and consumer behavior.

Conscious Chatter

A podcast that examines the intersection of fashion, sustainability, and consumerism.


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