Time Management Freebies
Plan Ahead
Try to come back a day or two before you need to go back to work or school. This gives you time to decompress and adjust. I also like to make a to do list for items i want to tackle immediately. This usually includes unpacking, laundry and tidying my space.
Unpack and Organize
Unpack Immediately! Don't let your luggage sit. Unpack and put things away to avoid clutter and feel settled.
Ease Back Into Routine
Don’t try to jump back into your regular routine with 110% of your energy. Give yourself time to easy back into it by first resuming healthy habits such as drinking plenty of water, eating balanced meals, and getting enough sleep.
Catch Up on Work
Tackle Emails First: Go through your emails and messages to catch up on what's happened while you were away then prioritize tasks, focusing on urgent and important tasks first to get back on track efficiently.
Reset mind and body
Resume your normal exercise routine and spend time outside to help reset your body clock, especially if you've traveled through different time zones..
Stay Positive
Take things one step at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. I usually clean my house before I leave so that i don’t feel overwhelmed when I come back. Make time for self care to help transition smoothly and maintain your wellbeing.