Simple Ways To Love Yourself
This past Saturday night, I sat in bed after demolishing a plate of cheese and salami, feeling bad for myself. I haven’t felt my best in a bit and telling myself “I just had a baby” only helps so much. I felt like I hadn’t been giving myself the love I deserve in the small, simple ways I was so habitually doing only months before. So I made a list called “Simple ways to show myself love” that I shared on socials and a lot of you liked it and chimed in with your own additions.
I spent my Sunday pouring into myself and woke up today with energy and a glow that I felt was missing for some time. This has motivated me to keep it going and pour into myself daily so I can feel like my best self again by Golu’s first birthday.
Simple Ways To Love Yourself
Put your phone away because we all know doom scrolling never leaves us feeling good. For me, this means putting my phone, somewhere far away from me, from 8 PM - 8 AM.
Skip the second coffee. I’m notorious for having too much coffee, but I know after 1 cup, everything else will just make me jittery. Better yet, replace that coffee with matcha which is actually very beneficial to your health.
Eat nutritious foods. Just like doom scrolling, highly processed food may taste good in the moment, but they leave you feeling sluggish and just overall bad. Feed yourself grain, fruit, veggies, protein and all the yummy things. I started challenging myself to see how many different kinds of plants I can fit into one meal and yesterday I fit 12 into this salmon bowl (recipe coming soon)! It was delicious, nutritious and kept me full + energized for the rest of the day.
Find time to read something you enjoy. It doesn’t matter what it is, but do it.
5 minute meditations. I recently started implementing this using this free video and just 5 minutes, whether I’m in the car, or on the couch, etc, has been really nice.
Do the little things before bed to get yourself ready to rest. For me, that’s filling my humidifier, brushing my teeth, washing my face and applying my skincare and putting on my foot cream before snuggling in with my kindle. I also like to plan for the next day before settling in so I don’t have a million things racing through my mind.
Drink a glass of water when you wake up. For me, it’s hot lemon water. Sometimes, I wake up and want to race to my coffee because I literally dream about my coffee, but it’s not the best way to start the day. I’ve also realized that if I drink water first thing in the AM, it motivates me to continue to stay hydrated throughout the day.
Get fresh air first thing in the morning… no matter how cold it is. Stepping outside and taking a single deep breath does something for my soul. I have to force myself on the colder days but I know it’ll result in me feeling good.
Go on a walk outside when it’s 40+. I hate the cold, but I went on 3 hour long walks this past week while it was 40 degrees outside and honestly, I loved it. I needed it and now I crave it, especially if the sun it out.
Positive self talk. My body has changed so much after having Keshav and sometimes I have to remind myself to speak kindly to myself. It’s easy to tear my body apart, but I remind myself what it has given me. This positive self talk can impact my entire day.
Watch my favorite show or a movie with no interruptions. It’s so hard for me to find time to just sit and watch a show or movie without a ton of pausing so when I get a full window to do this, I take full advantage. I put my phone away and let myself just enjoy. Add a healthy snack for even more self love!
call a friend I miss. We get so busy in life, we forget to just call the people we love. Texting is great, but actually getting on a 15 minute phone call with someone who fills your cup and do just that.
Make time to be sexually intimate with your partner or yourself. Again, busy busy busy we all are! But it’s important to remember to make time for sexual intimacy if it brings you joy.
Find gratitude. I keep a gratitude journal and write down 5 things every single day. Sometimes, it as simple as waking up to another day and other days it’s more specific.
Celebrate all the wins, Big or small. Did you go on a Walk every day this week after a hiatus? Celebrate that. A promotion? Celebrate it. It doesn’t matter the size of the win, celebrate your wins.
What would you add to this list?